From Traffic Hoopla | Saturday, August 19, 2023 No chasing this or that, regardless. Our eyes are on stats!
Online → Advertising Testing Rankings Builder100% Independent Statistical Testing Since 2002 To the building and growing of your business! If not already, Join Traffic Hoopla Free. Traffic Hoopla is a free traffic building service that helps anyone. Traffic Hoopla is online advertising success one day at a time. Online Advertising → Testing Rankings Builder! 2 Bookends to Success You know that getting started is most important. It is all about initiative. We hear this often: All is well that ends well. It is a good expression. It is true! But there needs to be an expression before that one. All is well that ends well! If you do not begin well, you cannot end well. You’ve got to start. The two bookends to success are starting and finishing. Some people start and never finish; thus, they cannot be successful. Getting started is the first step. It is not the only step or the last step, but it is the main step to success. Once you get started, it motivates you to keep going. But if you do not get started, you do not get motivated, and nothing ever happens. Getting Started! not the only step, but yes, the main step to your success.