Lead by Example

Lead by example — It sounds simple.  It sounds right.  But why are so few doing so?

Are you leading by example?

Here we are in this affiliate marketing world, where we look to get signups, build downlines, earn referral rewards, all to reap a bountiful harvest.

But are we leading by example?

More specifically, are we doing what we are asking others to do?

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Good questions!

What exactly are you looking for?  Signups?  People joining, Yes!

And what do you want them to do?  To make use of these top ranked advertising resources.

Why?  Because you will earn a percentage of everything they do.  Yes!

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And upgrade?  Yes, we want everyone in our downline to upgrade!  Commissions!

But what are you doing?  Are you doing what you are asking others to do?

Are you using these top ranked advertising resources?  Making full use of them?

Are you upgraded?  If not, why not?

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The silliest thing we have ever heard is waiting for others to do before you will do.  That is just plain silly.

Now we understand that many cannot afford to upgrade.  Yes, we understand, we entered here with nothing more than 15-years ago, started in the free.  But truthfully, if one will roll up their sleeves and work, in the free, it does not take very long to get signups and earn commissions.

Yes Yes Yes! — we do exactly what we ask others to do.

If you follow, if you do, soon, Your Bountiful Harvest.

P.S.  If only you started yesterday is your today.  Start now!  It is never too late.

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