
Hoopla is excitement.

Hoopla is a buzz, frenzy, action, fireworks, and stir.

Hoopla is one of those words with both positive and negatives.

It is our name, our brand, and our purpose.

You see, we got our start online more than 15-years ago with nothing.

Nothing as in nothing:  No knowledge, no understanding, and no experience.

The online world was and is nothing but hoopla.

It is roads and detours and empty rainbows.

But there is a ray of sunshine.

We found it, and we want to share it with you.

Truth.  A light-bulb-moment.  A pointing in the right direction.

And we can help you.

Hoopla represents simple, truth, and rankings.

We Test; independent statistical simple truth ongoing.

Yes, Hoopla is our name and our brand and our purpose.